Forex Trading Library

SPX500 Primary Correction Impulse Complete?

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The SPX500 structure shows a bullish cycle impulse consisting of waves ①-②-③-④-⑤.

The first four parts of the primary degree pattern have ended, with the primary correction wave ④ being an intermediate flat.

Intermediate waves (1)-(2)-(3)-(4) of ⑤ are complete, whilst wave (5) is under development.

At the end of wave (5), prices could rise to 4095.16. At that level, primary wave ⑤ will be at 76.4% of wave ③.

An alternative scenario shows that primary correction wave ④ is not yet complete.

The corrective structure hints at a triangular figure of the intermediate degree, by sub-waves (A)-(B)-(C)-(D)-(E).

Currently, we are at the beginning of the final corrective wave (E). Its end is expected near 3360.57, where is will be at 76.4% of wave (D).

Finally, the market could rise in an intermediate impulse (5).

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