Forex Trading Library

USDCAD in Final or Penultimate Wave

0 755

The USDCAD structure hints at a bearish impulse consisting of intermediate waves (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5). The impulse is part of a primary degree Ⓐ-Ⓑ-Ⓒ zigzag.

At the time of writing, waves (1)-(2)-(3)-(4) are fully complete. The correction in wave (4) ended in a triangle formation, kicking off wave (5).

Sub-waves 1-2-3 of (5) are complete. The bullish correction in wave 4 is currently in play.

Once completed, wave (5) could decline to 1.319. At that level, wave (5) will be at 61.8% of impulse wave (3).


An alternative view shows correction wave (4) as a zigzag with waves W and X completed. Wave Y is currently under development.

In the short term, we can expect prices to extend up to 1.371. This is the previous high formed by wave W.

A decline in the final wave (5) could then begin to develop.

How do you feel the CAD will fare in the coming weeks? Open your Orbex account and trade now! 

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