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SEO – The Complete How to Guide for Forex Affiliates

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Everyone has got to understand the importance of SEO. What is Search Engine Optimization? – Broken down:

Scanning and Indexing Information

  • The engine is an automated robot that ‘crawls’ like a ‘spider’, extracting coded information found in all interconnected documents on the internet. It then takes the extracted information and stores it in a massive database for a later time, upon query.

Gives Answers

  • You search, the robot provides. But how does it answer? Firstly, by relevancy in what you searched and secondly by ranking relevant to popularity. The more credibility a source has; the higher it will appear in the list of results generated by your search.

SEO meets User interaction

How users demand SEO without even knowing it…

Three needs present themselves, and they can really provide insight for webmasters. After all, as an Affiliate, you are creating content for humans, and you want to reach their needs to the best of your ability. Their fulfillment is your fulfillment.

‘GO’– ‘Navigation Queries’ this need shows us that the user wants to exist somewhere; social media is a perfect example of this.

‘DO’– ‘Transactional Queries’ The need to complete a task, buy an item, book a ticket, listen to music, etc.

‘KNOW’– ‘Informational Queries’ The need to be informed, articled, eBooks, etc.


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If you’re not accommodating to at least one of these needs as a webmaster; then your content is purposeless, and all the optimization in the world won’t save you.

The importance of SEO is undeniable, and of course having an efficiently designed website that looks good is fundamental. Yet the basics won’t get you to the top, and in the online world, that’s the only place to be for success. So much attention only goes to a fraction of search results, usually the first three positions which evidently makes this field one of the most competitive.

How can you ensure that your project gets noticed and that you attract users with an actual lifetime value? Well, having a pretty website isn’t going to cut it. The very operating system of these engines is to scan for relevance and quality. What makes quality? Well, the engine doesn’t know, but it trusts that the real humans on the web do. What defines the success of your website at the end of it all is how much it’s being talked about, shared, liked and distributed. That’s why I always advise Partners that come to me for help to try and make their websites as interactive as possible. People like to engage the internet in a communicative way.

Click here for the basics of SEO Friendly development and design

SEO Keyword Research

Now let’s look at the key factor in SEO Keyword Research. The first step to optimizing your visibility and accessibility is ‘researching the demand’ within your market. By doing so, you can not only distinguish what people search for the most, but you can gain insight on your target audience. It brings you a step closer to understanding your market, which you ultimately depend on.

Of course, there’s never a way to get it right on the first try. Optimizing your visibility has everything to do with trial and error. SEO tools are out there in bulk, and they can often give us insight to what people search for the most. Of course, your business is unique; so no tool can ever tell you exactly what keywords will have value to your website. It’s not about quantity it’s about quality.

So what is the trial and error process? This process is crucial to understanding the exact value each keyword has; use what you find and prioritize. The easiest way to investigate is to get into your markets shoes. Examine what the most relevant keywords are to your website then start searching them yourself, what comes up? Does it work for you or do you need to optimize further? Make sure the keywords you will attribute to your site will give the searcher the desired result; it can be defeating to mislead the audience.


I always stress this, and most Affiliates don’t recognize this aspect. Many say that you should focus on the most popular words because they generate the most traffic. Makes sense right? It’s a common myth! The most popular words only generate about 30% of SEO results as illustrated in the graph. However, researchers have found that secondary words that are more specific may have less traffic, BUT they have a higher conversion. In these cases, you are dealing with a customer that knows what they want. For example instead of searching for ‘forex robot’; they will search for ‘best MT4 robot provider for gold’. This person knows what they want and shows that they’re ready to buy. This is where the conversion lays, less traffic more conversion and that’s what we’re after.

Some Keyword Research tools as provided by MOZ:

Remember that > building and competing with the highest ranking companies may take years and years of effort and consistency. It is not a given that you will make money fast or even in a year of doing this. It takes patience and of course quality of work.

What makes websites rise to the top? Qualities to adopt as a beginner

When the true test begins, we are shifting focus from the core of your website, its development all the way to the content. What makes top websites the best is their perfection from top to bottom. Here are four checkpoints to focus on.

  • Designed to be compatible with all types of browsers and devices – Accessibility
  • Easy navigation, straight forward layout that makes sense – Efficiency
  • Directness and accuracy in the delivery of information – Relevance
  • Quality content that benefits the user and enhances user experience – Credibility

Technically speaking, Link Building is where the money is after your foundations are established.

Let’s look at some examples of how it works, why we do it and what to do. I invite you to imagine that to search engines that crawl the web ‘links are the streets between pages’. Just from this example, you can understand that you need to have some serious link analysis and building. It should be one of your priorities to get your content shared.

Think of links as votes, and clickers are the voters. The internet is a democracy, and the most voted sources get the most recognition and legitimacy.

Diving into the basics of link-building:

Natural: These are editorial links that happen not as an immediate result of an action, but as a consistent effort ensuring quality content and decent reach. These links are the hardest to achieve and have the greatest value. You can start targeting this by making sure your stuff is good and reaching as many others in your niche or similar as possible, cause they will be the ones to promote you and link back to you. A good way to start is by connecting with a few big bloggers initially.

Manual: These are the most common links SEO’s will use. This is almost always how you get started from point zero onwards. At this point you will have to get active with already established entities online by contacting websites in your niche or of some relevance to link you.

Self-created: These are non-editorial links which according to the online regulations are not a good idea. A lot of times such links have been found to cheat the SEO systems; tricking them into thinking that non-quality content is actually relevant. ‘Google has begun devaluing and even penalizing this type of link.’


  • Deliver JUICY content, give people a reason to stay active with you. Content that requires a follow-up?
  • Create the kind of content that inspires viral interest and sharing
  • Get trusted sources or customers to link you if they’re happy they will want to make you happy

There you have it, a brief overview of what it truly means to SEO.I hope that many of you beginners out there have become inspired to go deeper into this niche. There are much more ways to use this tool to your advantage in becoming a webmaster, but if you follow the above guidelines you will stay on track in your endeavors to get noticed!


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