Forex Trading Library

‘Best Customer Support’ 2016: How Orbex Can Help You

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Orbex receives the ‘Best Customer Support’ Awards by Forex Report Awards and plans to unveil new technological solutions for customer care services by 2017.

The core principles embedded into Orbex philosophy are responsible service and utmost attention to the needs of our traders. And each step we are taking towards our clients proves that those are not empty words for us.

Recently, Orbex has received another authoritative sign of recognition by the Forex Report Awards for showing a continued commitment to outstanding levels of service. The ‘Best Customer Support’ Award demonstrates that we have successfully joined a powerful global movement of companies doing business responsibly.

Our success has been based on the ethics and the principles of the constant quality improvement. We truly believe in responsible service, and happy to receive this award, signifying a new milestone in Orbex achievements list.

Today, we will talk to the members of Orbex Support Team to learn a bit more about their values and aspirations.

Zaid, Head of Back Office and Support:


“ For us, the key element in supporting our clients is “Response Time”, as we understand how valuable time is for our traders. Therefore, we focus on continuously improving our clients’ experience with the latest trading technology tools which are user-friendly, interactive and easy to access. No matter which communication channel clients use, live chat, emails, call backs, social media, they get a response instantly. We align our interests with those of our clients by taking their needs/wants to a personal level and implement them.”

Sozos, Account Manager:


“We have a knowledgeable support team which is available 24H and can resolve pretty much any issue, should it be a forgotten password or account information. I think, it’s also important that we can provide a trader with an independent advice, fitted to exact situation, rather than giving a standard answer. All of us have experience, and we are ready to share it!”

Orestis, Partnership Manager:


“Orbex has a very large network of partners, and that means we always have a lot of requests and suggestions. I’m proud of our high-tech solutions, allowing us to almost instantly route the request to the correct specialist. Throughout the years we managed to reduce the waiting time by 40%, and now we have not just a high quality personalized support, but also an extremely fast one.”

Themis, Marketing Executive:


At Orbex, our focus is always on our clients and in marketing we strive to do our best to communicate with them in the most efficient way. Social media allows us to have immediate interaction with traders to provide superior customer service. It is thrilling to have real-time feedback, and I am always happy to assist in any query traders might have!”


Orbex Team wants to remind you that we are available on all major Social Media channels, and via all support methods, stated on our new website.

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