Forex Trading Library

ITForum Expo 2016: Orbex Opens a New Chapter in Responsible Leadership

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Always standing at the forefront of the international Forex trading, Orbex attends a signature financial expo, ITForum 2016, an event that brings together industry’s elite and subject-matter specialists from all over Europe. Over the years, the Expo has become one of the most anticipated annual events for anyone involved in online trading.

ITForum Expo 2016 has broken the attendance record of the previous years, and moved beyond purely European expo, attracting more participants and attendees from all over the world.

During the two-day expo, Orbex has introduced the traders to its finest investment solutions, while helping them to formulate their own growth pathways. Besides that, Orbex experts have provided an overview of the key economic trends that were shaping forex industry this year. All these factors have made Orbex booth one of the most popular at the expo, attracting professionals and beginners.

Orbex Team managed to expand the scope of Expo by presenting a new model of responsible leadership. The term ‘responsibility’ outlines the whole concept of transparent and reliable online trading; Orbex believes in.

We wanted to show Italian traders and investors our most advanced products and the unique multi-level support system, Orbex has developed to assist the clients in almost every step they make. It was exciting to see so many people, who were actually aware of our innovations and who wanted to know more about our investment solutions. Now Orbex Family has increased by a dozen of new partners, and we are thrilled with our new collaborations’, says Massimo Spinella, Orbex Retention Manager.

Except the profound networking program, Orbex has enlivened the expo with a raffle, giving away brand-new iPhones and funded Live Trading accounts. The winners were announced every evening throughout the duration of the expo.

Orbex Team has confidence that attending ITForum Expo will become a good tradition and enhance our presence in the European market. We are moving forward and are ready to open a new chapter in European forex trading!

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