Forex Trading Library

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Seminars Questions Answered

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Global Markets: Between the Warning and the Hype

This March, Orbex is preparing a special event for our traders and partners in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Together with renowned FX analyst and strategist, Ashraf Laidi, we will go through a current situation on global markets and step-by-step analyze the possible risks and opportunities that are expecting us round the corner.

Why do we organize these events?

As you know, information and accurate assessment of the markets mean everything for traders, this is why Orbex is inviting the biggest names in the forex industry. In this way, traders can scoop the information directly from the primary source and have an access to insider’s information. All that, combined with detailed and well-performed market analysis, can drastically improve your trading performance.

Who is Ashraf Laidi?

Ashraf Laidi is an independent strategist and trader, founder of Intermarket Strategy Ltd and author of “Currency Trading & Intermarket Analysis”. Ashraf is the former chief global strategist at City Index / FX Solutions, where he focused on foreign exchange and global macro developments pertaining to central bank policies, sovereign debt, and Intermarket dynamics.

You can frequently see Ashraf Laidi on CNBC TV (US, Europe, Arabia and Asia/Pacific), Bloomberg TV (The US, Asia/Pacific, France and Spain), BNN, PBSs Nightly Business Report, and BBC.

What will be discussed during the seminars?

Seminars are meant to clarify and outline the perspectives of the macroeconomic environment. First of all, Ashraf will go into the myths and realities surrounding the Dollar. Will it keep its positions? The answer will be given after profound analysis of all the factors, influencing the Dollar.

The next topic to research is gold, and multiple uncertainties on whether gold prices are beginning to rebound or we are seeing another correction.

Since one of the most anticipated events of this year is an in/out referendum in Britain, Ashraf will analyze the near future of Sterling as well as possible scenarios for the British economy in case of “Brexit”.

One more important aspect that should be discussed within the seminars is the Ben stock exchanges and currencies relationship.

The seminar will finish with the most prominent developments in technical analysis in currencies, commodities and indices.

How to participate?

In line with the high standards of Orbex education, we are keeping the seminars free of charge. All you have to do is to register here.

Where will the seminars take place?

We strongly believe that comfortable atmosphere fosters the process of acquiring the knowledge. This time, seminars will take place at luxury venues so participants won’t have to think about anything except economic issues.


For detailed information and a registration form click here.

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