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Get an insider’s look at AtoZ Award Ceremony!

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This week, Orbex was hosting a momentous event – AtoZ Forex Awards Ceremony. AtoZ Forex is an authoritative financial portal, providing traders with the market insights and deep economic analysis. AtoZ Forex Awards are considered to be one of a few truly independent awards in the industry, and this is why winning this prestigious award was a matter of big importance for us.

Earlier this year we were named ‘The Best Forex Affiliate Program’ winner, and now the time has come to receive the well-earned prize.

The ceremony took place at Orbex headquarters, in Limassol, and the award was handed by Yagub Rahimov, AtoZ Strategy Director. In his speech, he told, “At, we have pledged to create a community of unique and reliable information available for traders, brokers and every other industry player out there. The main significance of AtoZ Forex Awards is the fact that these titles were not granted. Traders from around the world had to choose their winners.”

Layth Sanjaq, Orbex Operations Manager, mentioned in his acceptance speech, “Orbex takes pride in being the company that is fully dedicated to serving the traders’ community. Having an understanding that global business can’t be self-centric, we fuel the growth of our affiliates, and in this way, stand out in the forex industry. ‘The Best Forex Affiliate’ award came as an acknowledgment of the innovative approach to building relations with our partners.”

The peculiarity of this award lies in a voting process that was open to traders from all over the world. In total, a tremendous number of people took part in voting. We are very grateful for trust and support of our traders and partners!


 Orestis Laos, Orbex Partnership Manager, and Yagub Rahimov, AtoZ Strategy Director

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