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Becoming a ‘WODWARS’ Champion: Interview with Elia Navarro

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First of all, we would like to thank you for finding the time for this interview. Elia, how did Cyprus and the local CrossFit greet you?

I loved the island and also the weather, although I could not visit some places that I wanted to. As for the CrossFit Limassol, I felt there as at home and the people there were really nice! They were very welcoming and very kind to me.

Tell us a bit about ‘WODWARS’ competition. Did you enjoy it? Was it as you were expecting it to be?

The organization of the competition was fabulous: everything was on time, no delays, and this had to be very difficult due to a number of different categories.

It was just like I expected: hard, fun, and with a good fight level for the podium.

Elia, you were telling that you had a trauma last year. How the preparation for the ‘WODWARS’ was going?

I was very motivated to train for this competition; since Panayiotis* invited me to join the ‘WODWARS’ a few months ago, I had enough time to prepare for it and was able to include it in my schedule.  All in all, I took part in 7 competitions this year.

*Panayiotis Georgiades – CEO of CrossFit Limassol

 Are you satisfied with your competition results?

Yes, I am. Anyway, as an athlete, I always expect more from myself and my results, but I have been very constant and had good results in all of the competitions.

We all have heard about the famous ‘CrossFit Spirit’. How is it in reality, what are the relations between the athletes?

I always try to get along with the athletes, to be nice and kind to all of them. Despite being opponents on the competition floor, most of them are becoming my friends, because in the end we are all colleagues, people that work and suffer together to finish their WODs*. That’s why when I have finished and there is still someone working in the event, I like to take a pause and cheer them up until they finish and we are all done.

*WOD – Workout of the Day

And a traditional question: did you feel the audience support during the competition?

Yes, of course! The whole community rocked in every WOD with the athletes, they fought with us all the time and we really appreciate that.

Orbex team also supported me. Orbex is a big family, you can feel it. They rallied around me and gave me all the support from the very first moment when I arrived in Cyprus, and besides, many of them came to meet me and cheer me up, it was great!!!

What was the most thrilling part of the competition for you?

The final, no doubt about it.  It was the part where the destiny of the podium was decided, and I wanted to be there.

What do you think about the Orbex’ #TradeFit initiative? Do you consider it’s important for companies outside of the fitness industry to promote sports?

Yes, I believe it’s very important. Promotion of sports is offering a healthy way of life to people that are not used to exercising. Bringing this acknowledgement to the employees also makes them enjoy doing sports and why not, maybe they would go into the CrossFit. It is also a good way to let people know what kind of work the athletes do, and who we are. Benefits for both sides, the trader and the athlete must be always focused and motivated to achieve their best results.

What are your plans for the next year? Are you planning to come to Cyprus again?

Of course, I’ll be back to Cyprus next year to fight for the podium again in the ‘WODWARS’ and will try to spend some days training there. I’ll keep competing next year as always, giving my best in every training session and every competition, to keep fighting to reach my goals and my dreams.

Orbex decided to give a big support to me and another colleague, and the work we are going to do together will be something huge and very positive. Orbex will help us to keep competing for the best results in the competitions, and I’d like to thank them again for the sponsorship, for all the care, and for the trust in us. Thank you very much and let’s keep #TradeFit!

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