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Weekly Forex Forecast: October 26 – 30

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The US Dollar managed to emerge on the top last week led by steep losses in the Euro, which closed the week -2.96% lower. The ECB’s willingness to expand its QE program led the Euro to drop in anticipation of further QE to be announced in the December ECB meeting. The Swiss Franc was the second weakest currency losing -2.57%. The Bank of Canada also met last week where interest rates were unchanged. But with the BoC striking a dovish tone, the Canadian dollar closed the week with -1.91% losses.

Weekly Spot FX Performance – 23/10/2015 (Source:
Weekly Spot FX Performance – 23/10/2015 (Source:

The commodity risk currencies were seen to be faring better this week despite the Australian dollar declining -0.68% to the Greenback but fared better against its peers. The New Zealand Dollar which was in a strong short term rally was showing signs of weakness as the currency fell -0.94% ahead of the RBNZ’s interest rate decision this week.

Fundamentals for the Week 26/10 – 30/10

Date Time Currency Detail Forecast Previous
26-Oct 12:00 EUR German Ifo Business Climate 108.1 108.5
12:30 GBP BBA Mortgage Approvals 46.2K 46.7K
14:00 GBP CBI Industrial Order Expectations -8 -7
Tentative EUR German Buba Monthly Report
17:00 USD New Home Sales 546K 552K
27-Oct 00:45 NZD Trade Balance -822M -1035M
02:50 JPY SPPI y/y 0.60% 0.70%
10:00 CHF UBS Consumption Indicator 1.63
12:00 EUR M3 Money Supply y/y 5.00% 4.80%
EUR Private Loans y/y 1.10% 1.00%
12:30 GBP Prelim GDP q/q 0.60% 0.70%
GBP Index of Services 3m/3m 1.00% 0.80%
Tentative GBP 10-y Bond Auction 1.95|1.4
15:30 USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m 0.00% -0.20%
USD Durable Goods Orders m/m -1.10% -2.30%
16:00 USD S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y 5.10% 5.00%
16:45 USD Flash Services PMI 55.3 55.1
17:00 USD CB Consumer Confidence 102.5 103
USD Richmond Manufacturing Index -3 -5
18:20 CAD Gov Council Member Lane Speaks
28-Oct 02:50 JPY Retail Sales y/y 0.50% 0.80%
03:30 AUD CPI q/q 0.70% 0.70%
AUD Trimmed Mean CPI q/q 0.50% 0.60%
10:00 EUR German Import Prices m/m -0.20% -1.50%
EUR GfK German Consumer Climate 9.5 9.6
Tentative EUR German 10-y Bond Auction 0.62|1.1
15:30 USD Goods Trade Balance -64.9B -67.2B
17:30 USD Crude Oil Inventories 8.0M
21:00 USD FOMC Statement
USD Federal Funds Rate <0.25% <0.25%
23:00 NZD Official Cash Rate 2.75% 2.75%
NZD RBNZ Rate Statement
29-Oct 02:50 JPY Prelim Industrial Production m/m -0.50% -1.20%
03:00 AUD HIA New Home Sales m/m 2.30%
03:30 AUD Import Prices q/q 1.60% 1.40%
10:00 GBP Nationwide HPI m/m 0.50% 0.50%
All Day EUR German Prelim CPI m/m -0.10% -0.20%
11:00 EUR Spanish Flash CPI y/y -0.60% -0.90%
11:55 EUR German Unemployment Change -4K 2K
12:30 GBP Net Lending to Individuals m/m 4.4B 4.3B
GBP M4 Money Supply m/m -0.20% -0.40%
GBP Mortgage Approvals 73K 71K
14:00 GBP CBI Realized Sales 35 49
15:30 CAD RMPI m/m -6.60%
CAD IPPI m/m -0.30%
USD Advance GDP q/q 1.60% 3.90%
USD Unemployment Claims 264K 259K
USD Advance GDP Price Index q/q 1.50% 2.10%
16:10 USD FOMC Member Lockhart Speaks
17:00 USD Pending Home Sales m/m 1.10% -1.40%
30-Oct 00:45 NZD Building Consents m/m -4.90%
02:30 JPY Household Spending y/y 1.20% 2.90%
JPY Tokyo Core CPI y/y -0.20% -0.20%
JPY National Core CPI y/y -0.20% -0.10%
JPY Unemployment Rate 3.40% 3.40%
03:00 NZD ANZ Business Confidence -18.9
03:05 GBP GfK Consumer Confidence 4 3
03:30 AUD PPI q/q 0.30%
AUD Private Sector Credit m/m 0.50% 0.60%
Tentative JPY Monetary Policy Statement
08:00 JPY Housing Starts y/y 6.50% 8.80%
09:00 JPY BOJ Outlook Report
Tentative JPY BOJ Press Conference
10:00 EUR German Retail Sales m/m 0.40% -0.40%
10:45 EUR French Consumer Spending m/m 0.20% 0.00%
11:00 CHF KOF Economic Barometer 100.1 100.4
EUR Spanish Flash GDP q/q 0.90% 1.00%
12:00 EUR Italian Monthly Unemployment Rate 11.90% 11.90%
13:00 EUR CPI Flash Estimate y/y 0.00% -0.10%
EUR Core CPI Flash Estimate y/y 0.90% 0.90%
EUR Unemployment Rate 11.00% 11.00%
EUR Italian Prelim CPI m/m 0.10% -0.40%
15:30 CAD GDP m/m 0.10% 0.30%
USD Employment Cost Index q/q 0.60% 0.20%
USD Core PCE Price Index m/m 0.20% 0.10%
USD Personal Spending m/m 0.20% 0.40%
USD Personal Income m/m 0.20% 0.30%
16:45 USD Chicago PMI 49.5 48.7
17:00 USD FOMC Member Williams Speaks
USD Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment 92.6 92.1
USD Revised UoM Inflation Expectations 2.70%

Time: GMT+3

Currencies/Events to Watch this Week

Australia Inflation: Quarterly inflation numbers are due from Australia this week. On 28th October, the quarterly CPI and trimmed mean CPI futures are due out. Expectations are for the inflation to have remained steady at 0.7% while the trimmed mean CPI is expected to post a soft decline, rising 0.5% from 0.6% previously. The producer price index is also due out with the previous quarter posting 0.3% growth, down from 0.5% previously. The Australian dollar has remained weak for two straight weeks after posting a strong rally the previous two weeks. A break above the previous higher close of 0.7328 is needed for further gains.

Canada GDP: Canadian monthly GDP numbers are due out this week with expectations of a soft reading of 0.1% for the month of September, down from 0.3% previously. It is essential for the Canadian GDP to beat estimates and stay in the positive after GDP for the months of April through June remained in negative territory but started to decline since July which saw a strong increase in GDP to 0.5%.

Busy week for the Euro: The week ahead will see a lot of economic releases from the Eurozone, the most important being the German Ifo business climate which is forecasted to have fallen to 108.1 from 108.5 previously. The week will also see flash and preliminary CPI estimates, one that could take importance in light of Draghi’s recent comments at the ECB meeting last week. A continued weak inflation figures is likely to keep the Euro subdued on hopes of QE expansion in December

UK Preliminary GDP: The third quarter GDP estimates is due this week and expectations are for the UK GDP to have risen at a slower pace of 0.6%, down from 0.7% during the second quarter. However, there is a scope for a miss on the estimates given the relatively weaker performance during the third quarter in the UK. Besides the GDP estimates, there are no other major releases pertaining to the UK

BoJ Monetary Policy: The Bank of Japan will meet this week for its monetary policy review. Expectations are divided with some institutions hoping to see the Bank of Japan increase its stimulus purchase program. However, it could be a tricky meeting considering that until recently, BoJ Governor Kuroda maintained that inflation is expected to meet the Central Bank’s target by fiscal year of 2017.

RBNZ Policy meeting: The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s monetary policy decision is due on 28th October with expectations that the RBNZ could hold interest rates steady at 2.75%. An unchanged interest rate decision could see the Kiwi keep its gains. The NZDUSD has gained for three straight weeks so far with last week closing in the negative.

FOMC and US GDP: It will be a very important week for the US Dollar as the durable goods orders are due followed by the FOMC monetary policy statement. Expectations are for the Federal Reserve to leave policy unchanged in light of weak economic data and the global economic slowdown. A day later, the advance GDP estimates are due with expectations that the US economy grew at a much subdued pace of 1.6% after rising 3.9% previously.

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