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Weekly Forex Forecast: Sep 28 – 02 October

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The US Dollar closed the week with the strongest gains across the board. The strength in the Greenback was largely on account of hawkish Fedspeak from various FOMC members who took the stage last week repeatedly reiterating the US Fed hike plans. The Kiwi dollar which was volatile last week came in as the second strongest currency with gains lifted by upward revised Fonterra payouts.

Weekly Spot FX Performance – 25/09/2015 (Source:
Weekly Spot FX Performance – 25/09/2015 (Source:

The Euro posted a second straight week of declines, losing a modest -0.29% for the week. However, it was the British Pound which was the weakest currency losing -2.26% to the Greenback followed by the Aussie dollar which lost -2.25%. The Aussie was largely dragged down by a sharp decline in various commodity prices.

Fundamentals for the Week 28/09 – 02/10

Date Time Currency Detail Forecast Previous
28-09-15 15:30 USD FOMC Member Dudley Speaks
USD Core PCE Price Index m/m 0.10% 0.10%
USD Personal Spending m/m 0.30% 0.30%
USD Personal Income m/m 0.40% 0.40%
17:00 USD Pending Home Sales m/m 0.40% 0.50%
20:30 USD FOMC Member Evans Speaks
29-09-15 00:00 USD FOMC Member Williams Speaks
09:00 EUR German Import Prices m/m -1.30% -0.70%
All Day EUR German Prelim CPI m/m 0.00%
10:00 EUR Spanish Flash CPI y/y -0.60% -0.40%
11:30 GBP Net Lending to Individuals m/m 4.1B 3.9B
GBP M4 Money Supply m/m 0.70% 1.00%
GBP Mortgage Approvals 70K 69K
Tentative EUR Italian 10-y Bond Auction 1.95|1.4
13:00 GBP CBI Realized Sales 29 24
15:30 CAD RMPI m/m -5.90%
CAD IPPI m/m 0.70%
USD Goods Trade Balance -57.3B -59.1B
16:00 USD S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y 5.10% 5.00%
17:00 USD CB Consumer Confidence 96.2 101.5
30-09-15 00:45 NZD Building Consents m/m 20.40%
02:05 GBP GfK Consumer Confidence 5 7
02:50 JPY Retail Sales y/y 1.30% 1.80%
JPY Prelim Industrial Production m/m 1.10% -0.80%
03:00 NZD ANZ Business Confidence -29.1
04:30 AUD Building Approvals m/m -1.90% 4.20%
AUD Private Sector Credit m/m 0.50% 0.60%
08:00 JPY Housing Starts y/y 7.70% 7.40%
09:00 CHF UBS Consumption Indicator 1.64
EUR German Retail Sales m/m 0.30% 1.40%
GBP Nationwide HPI m/m 0.40% 0.30%
09:45 EUR French Consumer Spending m/m 0.40%
Jul Data EUR French Consumer Spending m/m 0.20% 0.40%
10:00 CHF KOF Economic Barometer 101.2 100.7
10:55 EUR German Unemployment Change -5K -7K
11:00 EUR Italian Monthly Unemployment Rate 12.00% 12.00%
11:30 GBP Current Account -22.3B -26.5B
GBP Final GDP q/q 0.70% 0.70%
GBP Index of Services 3m/3m 0.80% 0.70%
GBP Revised Business Investment q/q 2.90% 2.90%
12:00 EUR CPI Flash Estimate y/y 0.00% 0.10%
EUR Core CPI Flash Estimate y/y 0.90% 0.90%
EUR Unemployment Rate 10.90% 10.90%
EUR Italian Prelim CPI m/m -0.20% 0.20%
15:00 USD FOMC Member Dudley Speaks
15:15 USD ADP Non-Farm Employment Change 191K 190K
15:30 CAD GDP m/m 0.20% 0.50%
16:45 USD Chicago PMI 53.2 54.4
17:30 USD Crude Oil Inventories -1.9M
22:00 USD Fed Chair Yellen Speaks
01-10-15 02:30 AUD AIG Manufacturing Index 51.7
02:50 JPY Tankan Manufacturing Index 13 15
JPY Tankan Non-Manufacturing Index 21 23
All Day CNY Bank Holiday
03:00 USD FOMC Member Brainard Speaks
04:00 CNY Manufacturing PMI 49.7 49.7
CNY Non-Manufacturing PMI 53.4
04:35 JPY Final Manufacturing PMI 50.9 50.9
04:45 CNY Caixin Final Manufacturing PMI 47.2 47
CNY Caixin Services PMI 51.2 51.5
06:45 JPY 10-y Bond Auction 0.42|3.5
09:30 AUD Commodity Prices y/y -20.90%
10:15 CHF Retail Sales y/y 0.30% -0.10%
EUR Spanish Manufacturing PMI 53 53.2
10:30 CHF Manufacturing PMI 51.9 52.2
10:45 EUR Italian Manufacturing PMI 53.4 53.8
10:50 EUR French Final Manufacturing PMI 50.4 50.4
10:55 EUR German Final Manufacturing PMI 52.6 52.5
11:00 EUR Final Manufacturing PMI 52 52
11:30 GBP Manufacturing PMI 51.3 51.5
GBP FPC Meeting Minutes
Tentative EUR Spanish 10-y Bond Auction 2.15|2.5
Tentative EUR French 10-y Bond Auction 1.21|1.7
14:30 USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y 2.90%
15:30 USD Unemployment Claims 273K 267K
16:30 CAD RBC Manufacturing PMI 49.4
16:45 USD Final Manufacturing PMI 53 53
17:00 USD ISM Manufacturing PMI 50.8 51.1
USD Construction Spending m/m 0.60% 0.70%
USD ISM Manufacturing Prices 40 39
17:30 USD Natural Gas Storage 106B
All Day USD Total Vehicle Sales 17.5M 17.8M
21:30 USD FOMC Member Williams Speaks
02-10-15 02:30 JPY Household Spending y/y 0.40% -0.20%
JPY Unemployment Rate 3.30% 3.30%
02:50 JPY Monetary Base y/y 34.20% 33.30%
All Day CNY Bank Holiday
03:00 NZD ANZ Commodity Prices m/m -5.20%
04:30 AUD Retail Sales m/m 0.40% -0.10%
10:00 EUR Spanish Unemployment Change 17.9K 21.7K
11:30 GBP Construction PMI 57.5 57.3
12:00 EUR PPI m/m -0.50% -0.10%
15:30 USD Average Hourly Earnings m/m 0.20% 0.30%
USD Non-Farm Employment Change 202K 173K
USD Unemployment Rate 5.10% 5.10%
17:00 USD Factory Orders m/m -0.90% 0.40%

Time: GMT+3

Currencies/Events to Watch this Week

Australia retail sales: Among other data during a relatively quiet week for the Aussie, the monthly retail sales data is forecasted to have grown at a pace of 0.4% for the month of September. The median estimates, point to a modest pickup in retail sales which declined -0.1% previously in August. Earlier in the week the monthly building approvals data is due, which is expected to show a decline of -1.9% after growing rapidly the month before at 4.2%. Although both these datasets do not account for much, the retail sales numbers could see some volatility in the Aussie currency pairs.

Canada GDP: The Canadian GDP is the only main event to look forward to for the week ahead. The median estimates forecast a slowdown to 0.2%, after the Canadian economy grew at a pace of 0.5% previously. Canada’s monthly GDP has been trending relatively flat with the exception of last month’s GDP. A better than or expected GDP print could be supportive to the Canadian dollar although the correlation to Crude oil prices has been stronger in recent weeks and has been the main driving factor.

China Manufacturing PMI: While data from China is quiet for the first part of the week, starting October 1st, focus will shift to the monthly PMI releases for both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing PMI numbers for the month of September. Expectations are for a near flat reading or unchanged from the previous month thus giving more scope for a possible beat on the estimates. In the unlikely event that the PMI’s continue to miss the median forecasts, it could potentially translate to another bout of uncertainty in the global equity markets as well as bring the Aussie and the Kiwi currencies under pressure.

German CPI and Eurozone flash CPI estimates: Data this week from Eurozone will see the monthly PMI data but the more important ones include the German CPI which is expected to stay unchanged. German retail sales are also due and is expected to post a soft print of 0.3%, down from 1.4% growth previously. Later in the week, the Eurozone flash CPI estimates are due for release with the median estimates pointing to a flat headline CPI of 0.0% while the core CPI is expected to be soft at 0.9% annualized.

UK Q2 Final GDP: The week ahead will see the final revised second quarter GDP results. Expectations are for an unchanged print of 0.7%. Last week, the US final revised GDP posted a strong upward revision of 3.9%, so a potential surprise with an upside revision to the UK’s GDP could help support the currency which has weakened considerably last week. Besides the GDP numbers, the monthly manufacturing and construction PMI data are also due for release.

US Nonfarm payrolls: The week ahead will be a busy one for the US with lot of economic releases on the agenda. However, the main event will be the monthly ADP private payroll numbers and the nonfarm payrolls due on Thursday and Friday. Expectations call for the unemployment rate to remain steady at 5.1% while the monthly job numbers is expected at 202k. Besides the unemployment data, many FOMC members continue the week with their speeches including Janet Yellen’s speech as well

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