Forex Trading Library

Weekly Forex Forecast: August 17 – 21

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The Aussie and the Kiwi currencies were the worst performing last week led by the Yuan devaluation which dragged down with it most of the other Asian currencies as well. For the week, the Kiwi lost close to -1.31% followed by the Aussie dollar which was down -0.6%. Besides the Yuan devaluation, economic data from New Zealand continued to print weak numbers putting pressure on the Kiwi on all sides.

Weekly Spot FX Performance – 14/08/2015 (Source:
Weekly Spot FX Performance – 14/08/2015 (Source:

The Euro, single currency emerged on the top last week gaining 1.32% with the British Pound Sterling coming in at a close second with weekly gains of 0.99% The Euro was particularly stronger mostly due to the Greece debt negotiations coming through with a resolution to provide the country with its third bailout package ahead of August 20th repayment to the ECB. From the UK, a soft print on the monthly jobs report was the only major market event against a volatile Greenback which initially strengthened only to lose ground against the Euro and the British Pound.

Fundamentals for the Week August 14 – 21

Date Time Currency Detail Forecast Previous
17-Aug 02:01 GBP Rightmove HPI m/m 0.10%
02:50 JPY Prelim GDP q/q -0.50% 1.00%
JPY Prelim GDP Price Index y/y 2.20% 3.40%
10:15 CHF Retail Sales y/y -0.60% -1.80%
12:00 EUR Trade Balance 19.3B 21.2B
13:00 EUR German Buba Monthly Report
15:30 CAD Foreign Securities Purchases -5.45B
USD Empire State Manufacturing Index 5 3.9
17:00 USD NAHB Housing Market Index 62 60
23:00 USD TIC Long-Term Purchases 93.0B
04:30 AUD Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes
AUD New Motor Vehicle Sales m/m 3.80%
18-Aug 11:30 GBP CPI y/y 0.00% 0.00%
GBP PPI Input m/m -1.30% -1.30%
GBP RPI y/y 0.90% 1.00%
GBP Core CPI y/y 0.80% 0.80%
GBP HPI y/y 5.90% 5.70%
GBP PPI Output m/m -0.10% 0.00%
15:30 USD Building Permits 1.21M 1.34M
USD Housing Starts 1.20M 1.17M
Tentative NZD GDT Price Index -9.30%
01:45 NZD PPI Input q/q -1.10%
NZD PPI Output q/q -0.90%
19-Aug 02:50 JPY Trade Balance -0.16T -0.25T
03:30 AUD MI Leading Index m/m 0.00%
07:30 JPY All Industries Activity m/m 0.40% -0.50%
11:00 EUR Current Account 19.2B 18.0B
15:30 USD CPI m/m 0.20% 0.30%
USD Core CPI m/m 0.20% 0.20%
17:30 USD Crude Oil Inventories -1.7M
21:00 USD FOMC Meeting Minutes
Tentative JPY Monetary Policy Statement
09:00 CHF Trade Balance 2.59B 3.58B
20-Aug EUR German PPI m/m 0.00% -0.10%
Tentative JPY BOJ Press Conference
09:45 USD FOMC Member Williams Speaks
11:30 GBP Retail Sales m/m 0.20% -0.20%
13:00 GBP CBI Industrial Order Expectations -5 -10
Tentative EUR Spanish 10-y Bond Auction 1.98|1.7
15:30 CAD Wholesale Sales m/m 0.20% -1.00%
USD Unemployment Claims 272K 274K
17:00 USD Philly Fed Manufacturing Index 7.2 5.7
USD Existing Home Sales 5.45M 5.49M
USD CB Leading Index m/m 0.20% 0.60%
17:30 USD Natural Gas Storage 65B
01:45 NZD Visitor Arrivals m/m -0.20%
04:35 JPY Flash Manufacturing PMI 51.2
21-Aug 04:45 CNY Caixin Flash Manufacturing PMI 47.8
06:00 NZD Credit Card Spending y/y 6.50%
09:00 EUR GfK German Consumer Climate 10.2 10.1
10:00 EUR French Flash Manufacturing PMI 49.6
EUR French Flash Services PMI 52
10:30 EUR German Flash Manufacturing PMI 51.8
EUR German Flash Services PMI 53.8
11:00 EUR Flash Manufacturing PMI 52.4
EUR Flash Services PMI 54
11:30 GBP Public Sector Net Borrowing -2.3B 8.6B
15:30 CAD Core CPI m/m 0.00%
CAD Core Retail Sales m/m 0.90%
CAD CPI m/m 0.20%
CAD Retail Sales m/m 1.00%
16:45 USD Flash Manufacturing PMI 53.5 53.8
17:00 EUR Consumer Confidence -7 -7


Currencies/Events to Watch this Week

RBA Meeting Minutes: The RBA will be releasing the meeting minutes on 18th August after it left interest rates unchanged at its last meeting earlier this month. The RBA’s rather neutral tone led to a strong surge in the Aussie and investors will look to any further clues from the RBA’s members on possibility of future interest rate changes.

New Zealand GDT prices and PPI: The Global Dairy trade price index is due on early Tuesday. Dairy prices have remained weak for the past few months and was one of the major reasons cited by the RBNZ for its rate cut. Therefore, the markets will look to see how the GDT prints numbers this time around after falling -9.3% previously. Also on the agenda is the quarterly producer price index which was weaker, posting -1.1% declines previously.

Japan Prelim GDP and BoJ Monetary policy: The preliminary GDP numbers from Japan are due this coming week with expectations biased to show the Japanese economy contracting by -0.5%. Also the BoJ will be meeting this week for its monetary policy which comes just a few days after the quarterly GDP release. The markets expect to see the BoJ maintain the status quo but a surprise weak print in the GDP could shift the balance.

Eurozone flash PMI’s: The week ahead could be a quiet week for the Euro with various Eurozone countries releasing the flash manufacturing and services PMI data. The Euro is likely to remain stronger in the coming week due to lack of any important market releases.

UK retail sales and CPI: The monthly consumer inflation data is due on Tuesday and expectations are dovish with the headline and core CPI expected to stay flat for the month. Retail sales numbers are also due this week with the median consensus pointing to a 0.2% growth after falling -0.2% last month.

Canada retail sales and CPI: The Canadian economic data has been largely mixed last week. The coming week will see the release of consumer inflation data which has remained flat at 0.0% on the core and 0.2% on the headline. Retail sales numbers are also due with the previous months showing a soft print of 1% and 0.9% on the headline and core respectively.

US FOMC minutes and CPI: The markets will get a glimpse into the Fed’s meeting minutes held in July and will be looking for further clues in regards to the impending rate hike plans. Monthly consumer inflation prices are also due for release with expectations on the soft side pointing to a 0.2% rise in inflation on both the headline and the core.

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