Forex Trading Library

USDJPY 2014-12-03

0 185

USD/JPY: 119.40

Japanese Yen on uptrend wave

Dollar/Yen sustain uptrend movement as investors anticipate shinzo abe to win second term on election as prime minister

Market sustain uptrend movement after Prime minister says to prepare for stimulus

As long as market holding trades above 110.00 the uptrend may sustain advance where targets already done toward 117.90, while market sustain uptrend movement where managed this week to hit 119.10 zone

Market now trading inside overbought zone which may hit the market for drop correction movement , where 110.00 would be the main support on market

As market trading on the overbought zone , the pair may give opportunity to short-sell market at 2 places , first one 121.00 , while second zone is 124.00

short-run trading managed to jump above 119.00 , where as long as market hold trading above this zone market may sustain advance toward 121.00 and 122.80


as long as market holding trades above 100.60 the long-run uptrend wave will sustain this year

Daily Trend: Up
Weekly Trend: Up

  Support Resistence
Level 1 119.00 119.50
Level 2 117.85 121.00
Level 3 117.20 122.80
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