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Societe Generale Testing Key Resistance

SG Rally Continues Shares in French bank Societe Generale have been on a firm rally recently. The company’s stock price has rallied more than 37% off the year-to-date mid 15 lows to current highs around the 21 level. Sentiment towards the…
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Apple Recovers Following Wild Tuesday

Shares in iconic US tech firm Apple are trading a little lower pre-market on Wednesday. Following an initial rally, as the year opened, Apple shares have since retreated, falling almost 18% from highs to the lows printed yesterday.…
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Boeing lower Following US Incident

Shares in Boeing are trading a little lower ahead of the US open on Monday. The airliner’s shares have recovered over recent weeks following a steady decline from the December highs above the 235 level. Price found support on approach to…
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Negative Press Weighs On Amazon

Amazon Lower Pre-Market Shares in US tech company Amazon are trading a little lower ahead of the final stock trading session of the week. The company’s shares have seen very congested price action over recent months with price settling…
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Shell Investors Focus On Green Targets

Shares in British-Dutch oil driller Shell are trading a little lower ahead of the US open on Wednesday. The company’s shares had been enjoying a firm rally over recent months with price trading higher by 81% off the mid 11 November lows to…
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Uber Shares Fall Following Weak Q4

Shares in Uber have corrected lower from recent all-time highs. The company’s stock price has seen an impressive rally off the November 2020 lows. Price soared by over 93% off the 33 lows to highs of around 64 last week, recovering from a…
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