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The Basics of Managing Risk

Forex traders can have the best systems in place, but still fail due to their lack of appropriately managing risk. Risk management can be said to be a combination of different ideas and strategies to control the risks of trading. Losses are…
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Size DOES Matter…

A phenomenon that a lot of traders notice - and you might have seen it yourself - is that when they increase the size of their trades, their strategy seems to stop working. For some, even just switching from their demo account to their live…
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Strange Trading Theories 2018-11-09

On the surface, trading may seem a little ‘straight-laced.’ Sure there are intricacies to following the volatile markets, but with a host of strange trading theories lingering around things are perhaps not as ‘normal’ or ‘ordinary’ as they…
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When NOT to Trade

So much of our research and analysis as forex traders focuses on figuring out when to get into the market. That's why we often neglect to consider when staying out of the market is a better option. In fact, learning how to handle when…
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