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The Hottest Forex Pairs of 2018

The Forex market has the largest volume of the world’s business, with people all over the world participating every day. Being open at all times of the day, providing a platform for the exchange of different currencies around the world, and…
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Traders Born in November

Traders born in November fall either under the Zodiac sign of Scorpio or are on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp. Blessed with a sharp intellect, they possess a flair for the extraordinary and are known to be forward thinking. This is what…
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SPX500 Bulls Target 4352.98

The SPX500 has been moving up in a cycle wave V, which takes the form of a primary impulse ①-②-③-④-⑤. The first four parts of this impulse are complete, with wave ⑤ is still under development. In the short term, we could expect the…
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Why Do Traders Lose Money?

Despite using the most intricate charts, automated trading tools, the range of indicators and plenty of sources for fundamental analysis, forex traders do lose money from time-to-time. Even the most legendary traders have all suffered heavy…
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